Learning new technologies, key to success!

I love software development/engineering, It’s a passion that gives me pleasure and I mean It!

Sometimes I feel like I’m cheating on my boss, I do something that gives me pleasure and I enjoy watching my work grow into a full software… Many of you us (Developers) have the same passion otherwise we would have done something else… something that would make us rich maybe.

The only problem in the last few years, developers are turning into Doctors… At a job interview they will ask us questions from coding, continuous integration, our style Agile? Scrum? Both? , TDD, BDD, Restful, security, AngularJS, jQuery and so on…

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Essential Tools for Building RESTful APIs

Restful APIs are a great way to connect systems together. They are platform-independent well-established standards that are designed to support high performance, massive scale, and secure communication.

Will discuss delivering better REST APIs with the free tools that are already in the market, in this document I will be platform independent so weather your  Java, Asp.NET, php, Ruby or node developer the tools will still be applied.

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