Foresee the future with Google Maps API.

Any application that requires the use of future travel information. Google has opened-up access to Maps’ trusted predictive journey times with the debut of a new API.

Predictive travel time uses historical time-of-day and day-of-week traffic data to estimate travel times at a future date. This makes it easier than ever to predict how long it will take to get somewhere and suggest the best route even when the departure time is far in the future.

Google Maps uses historical traffic data over time and days to predict where and when a build-up could occur, which may affect your journey time, and offer an alternative route where available. Many engineers benefit from the use of Google Maps in the apps; with some functionality like live traffic data from its APIs.

Engineers can decide between optimistic, pessimistic, or best guess estimates

From today, all engineers can now use both live and predicted traffic information from Google Maps to plan journeys from now, in hours, days, or even weeks in advance. Traffic features available in the Directions and Distance Matrix APIs will be available under the Standard Plan which allows for 2500 requests/day free.

To get more information about the traffic features in the Google Maps APIs, check out the documentation for the Directions API, the Distance Matrix API and the JavaScript Maps API Directions and Distance Matrix services, or download the updated client libraries for Java or Python.

Foresee the future with Google Maps API.