Just when you thought the Internet couldn’t get any bigger, here comes the Internet of Things (IoT).
The Internet of Things is the impact that sensors and network devices will have as they allow buildings and infrastructure to swap information. According to International Data Corporation, there will be 212 billion connected things by the end of 2020, all emitting and receiving data. Intelligence systems will be installed and collecting data from all of these things. IDC forecasts that this will be an 8.9 trillion dollar market by 2020.
According to the Harvard Business Review, “The Internet of Things has the power to profoundly change operations– that’s where much of the coverage of this burgeoning network has focused.” “But companies should also be preparing for profound shifts in their competitive strategies as the Internet of Things takes off.” “It will change the category you compete in, the products and services you sell, how you market them, and even the talent you acquire.” So our three disrupters, Consumerization, Cloud and Mobile, and the Internet of Things create enormous opportunities for organizations, but they also create the potential for different kinds of information chaos, which we’ll explore in the next chapter.
Is REST the right model for IoT?
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