Xamarin becomes the native cross-platform solution for C# and Java developers

Xamarin has announced its acquisition of RoboVM, a momentous step for both companies which means C# and Java developers need only look to a single development solution for native deployment across each of the major platforms.

The software has been a beloved tool for C# developers for some time as the only solution which enables native iOS and Android development. RoboVM offered the same ability to deploy Android and iOS applications natively, but for Java developers. Bringing the C# and Java languages together – the most used languages in enterprise development – provides a path to mobile for most developers.

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Building flexible and high performance software with CQRS and Axon Framework

Many applications are built with the same architectural style: a layered architecture with (more often than not) an anaemic domain model. While easy to set up, this architectural style doesn’t help us deal with growing complexity or heavy non-functional requirements.

In this presentation, Allard will introduce CQRS (Command-Query Responsibility Segregation) and Axon Framework. CQRS is an architectural pattern that helps build scalable and maintainable software, by applying a few very simple, yet powerful, principles. Axon is a framework that simplifies the implementation of CQRS based architectures on the JVM.

Building flexible and high performance software with CQRS and Axon Framework – Allard Buijze from JavaZone on Vimeo.